So much fun had by all WestWard students this morning at the FFA sponsored Ag Rodeo out at the fair grounds.
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
WW Students at FFA ag rodeo.
 WW Students at FFA ag rodeo.
WW Students at FFA ag rodeo.
WW Students at FFA ag rodeo.
CONGRATULATIONS TO ABBY KERKMAN! With a throw of 105’7” in the discus at the Wildcat Invite in Hartington yesterday, she got second place for the meet and moved to #7 on the All-Time Chart at Neligh-Oakdale.
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
I can’t keep calm, it’s musical week! Performances are Saturday night and Sunday afternoon!
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
Moana musical information
🏀8-11 GIRLS Anyone wanting to play girls basketball, there will be a short meeting after school in the old gym Wednesday April 20th!!! 🏀
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
Results from today’s High School Wildcat Track Invite in Hartington can be found at shortly after each event has concluded. This meet is scheduled to start at 3:00.
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
Today the Jr. High Track team will participate in the O’Neill Jr. High Track and Field Meet that is scheduled to start at Noon. You can find the order of events below.
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
O'Neill Jr. High Track Meet Order of Events
The 6th grade class at Neligh-Oakdale recently completed the All Stars Program as part of the guidance class instructed by Becky Kerkman. The All Stars program is designed to help students identify the positive ideals they want in their futures. As the program continued, students were challenged to look at how risky behaviors do not fit in with their ideals. At the ceremony, students received certificates that included the commitments they made for the future. The ultimate goal of the program is to reduce substance abuse and violence amongst our youth.
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
6th grade All Stars
As second grade has begun their embryology project, Luci Koinzan hosted the second grade class out at the farm today to talk to us about her chicken hatching projects and to see some of her favorite feathered friends.
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
2nd grade field trip
2nd grade field trip
2nd grade field trip
The Neligh-Oakdale FCCLA Chapter is helping to sponsor this event. The Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser will help raise funds for an adaptive park. They will be serving at Ag Building on Sunday April 24th from 11-1 and 4:30-7.
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
Spaghetti Feed
State Leadership Conference was a huge success! All of us have taken tests the last three days to keep busy! Hailey Johnson and Emerson Knust have made it to Nationals placing 3rd at State in Introduction to Event Planning! *copied from the Neligh-Oakdale Fbla page
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
Neligh-Oakdale FBLA
Neligh-Oakdale FBLA
Neligh-Oakdale FBLA
Neligh-Oakdale Public Schools is organizing a community service day for their students to give back. We are currently searching for projects that students can lend a helping hand. If you know of a project, please fill out the form below. We will be in contact with you by Friday, April 22nd. Thank you for your help!
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
Congratulations to Hailey and Emerson for placing 3rd in Event Planning. This qualifies them for National FBLA in Chicago on June 28.
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
Hailey and Emerson
‼️Summer School Sign-up‼️ If you are interested in having your child participate in summer school, please contact the school. A letter was send home last week. If you have questions, please give us a call.
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
Summer School Letter
Here is the order of events for the Neligh-Oakdale Track Invitational held at Warrior Field today. The meet is scheduled to begin at 12:30.
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
Neligh-Oakdale Track Invitational order of events
Congratulations Hannah! Hannah is a 2nd grader and she won the K-4 Best of Show at the ESU #8 Art Show! Awesome Job! It's a GREAT day to be a Warrior! #TheWarriorWay
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
Hannah E. won the K-4 Best of Show at the ESU #8 Art Show.
There will be a short volleyball meeting in Coach Wagner’s room after school this Thursday, April 14th for any girl in grades 8-11 that plans on going out for volleyball in the fall.
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
If you would like a musical t-shirt, the orders are due by 10 AM Wednesday April 13th...
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
Don't forget that the ESU 8 Art Show is going on today, tomorrow, and Sunday at the Antelope County Fair Grounds!
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
ESU 8 Art  Show Image.
Come to the Art Show! The ESU 8 K-12 Art Show will be held at the Antelope County Fair Grounds Building. The show will be open to the public from Friday, April 8 through Sunday, April 10; 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This is an excellent opportunity to view lots of amazing art work!
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans
Today's golf quadrangular at Antelope Country Club has been postponed until April 28.
almost 3 years ago, Kristen Evans